Saturday, January 9, 2016

Star Wars Re-awakens: by Jedi Teen


            Yesterday, I watched Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens for the second time in the theater. I found that I liked it even more the second time through than I initially did, and in my opinion, it is definitely the best Star Wars film since 1983. Writer/director J. J. Abrams took on the project after Star Wars was bought by Walt Disney studios. Many of the actors from episodes IV, V, and VI, returned to be in the movie, and composer John Williams returned to write the score.

            This movie centers on a new generation of characters. Rey (Daisy Ridley), a scavenger from the planet Jakku who is waiting for her family, Finn (John Boyega), an ex-stormtrooper, Poe (Oscar Isaac), a resistance pilot, and Kylo Ren (Adam Driver), a Jedi apprentice turned evil, all have their own motives in The Force Awakens. Finn helps Poe escape the First Order, the evil government that has originated from the remnants of The Galactic Empire, and when their ship crashes on Jakku, Finn meets Rey, and they steal the Millennium Falcon, and encounter Han Solo (Harrison Ford), and Chewbacca. A small droid, BB8, has a map that leads to Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill), who has mysteriously disappeared. The team must fight the First Order numerous times in order to destroy their massive weapon, and keep BB8 safe. When the audience learns that Kylo Ren is Han Solo’s son, they will be alarmed. In the end, R2-D2 has the missing piece of the map, and Rey goes to find Luke. The movie leaves many hints that Rey is Luke’s daughter, because she is so strong with the Force. Leia (Carrie Fisher) has become the general in charge of the Resistance.

            I will say that this movie far exceeded my expectations. Although there is nonstop action in the film, Abrams succeeds in developing characters. Although Kylo Ren turns out evil, I am left with a desire for him to redeem himself in a future movie. At the end, I am left wondering what will happen to Rey and Luke. And I found myself truly worried about Finn’s survival. I even enjoyed BB8.
            The score was wonderful, as usual. I liked how Rey got a new theme, and how the music around the First Order sounded similar to the Imperial March from episode V. I liked how the CGI was minimal, the sets were real, and the transitions were old school, just like those of episodes IV, V, and VI. Episode I lost this feel, and Episode VII brought it back.

            I also liked the small throwbacks to the original trilogy, such as “I have a bad feeling about this,” and “Do you have a trash compactor?” I love how Rey uses a Jedi mind trick on a Stormtrooper, and especially how she uses a lightsaber. I love seeing a strong female character in Star Wars. I love Finn’s humor element, and Poe’s heroism and his appreciation for Finn.

            This film is rated PG-13 for action and shooting. Depending on your child’s maturity level, I would say that some 10-12 year-olds will be ready for this, but I would recommend it for ages 10+. You will see this movie.